Early Years Foundation Stage

FS1 and FS2

Early Years learners follow the trusted EYFS framework, which aims to introduce early learners to communication and language, understanding the world plus early literacy and mathematics

With a focus on Routine, Teamwork, Communication, and Engagement, children of EYFS enjoy learning through play and exploration with a mix of adult-led and independent learning activities for them to learn through filling their curiosity.

The areas of learning and development are broken into 7 areas of Development Matters.

Three Prime Areas
There are three prime areas that are particularly important for igniting children’s enthusiasm for learning:
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
• Physical Development of Muscles and Movement.
• Communication & Language.
Four Core Curriculum Areas
This then develops into 4 applied core curriculum areas:
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Expressive Arts and Designs (Music, Art)
• Understanding the World and Technology
Our curriculum teaching children variety of skills
Our curriculum is designed to focus on the above development areas teaching children a variety of skills that include but are not limited to:
• Routine and discipline
• Behaviour and moral education
• Building positive relationships
• Sharing and taking turns
• Creativity and imagination
• Understanding self and own emotions
• Caring about others
• Confidence and resilience
• Interacting with others and listening carefully
• Taking risks and challenging capabilities
• Critical thinking and reasoning, evaluation and understanding relations
• Physical abilities like coordination, muscle development, and fine motor skills
Core lessons in EYFS
• Phonics
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Arabic
• Physical Education (PE)
• Music
• Technology
Our promise for EYFS parents is to provide a learning environment that is inspiring, secure, playful & friendly, exploratory, supportive, and rewarding.
FS1 Curriculum Overview
Children are encouraged to be great communicators; listen actively, communicating in English using a varied vocabulary. Fine and Gross Motor skills are promoted to ensure children have strong muscles and coordination to begin pre-reading and pre-writing skills.
FS2 Curriculum Overview
Children are encouraged to be confident, caring, and courageous. With a focus on building confidence with language; speaking, listening, rhyme, reading, and writing.
Our team of compassionate, encouraging, and supportive educators welcomes your children every day ensuring that they have the best possible start for their educational journey to grow as independent and confident learners.